CARIBSAN - Inter-Caribbean cooperation for the valorisation of Planted Filters for wastewater treatment

France, Dominica, Cuba, Saint Lucia
June 2021 - December 2022 (Phase I)
Partner(s) or Client(s) : European Union (INTERREG Caraïbes programme), French Development Agency, Martinique Water Office, Guadeloupe Water Office, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment in France (INRAE), the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH) in Cuba, the Caribbean Water and Sanitation Association (CAWASA), the Water & Sanitation Management Company in Saint Lucia (WASCO) and the Dominican Water and Sanitation Company (DOWASCO).
The project in brief
The CARIBSAN project aims to promote the development of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominica and Saint Lucia), building upon a successful experience with constructed wetlands in Martinique and Guadeloupe. Wastewater treatment systems combine local plants (heliconia or "birds of paradise") with substrate to filter and purify wastewater. This nature-based technology has the advantage of being simpler and cheaper to build and manage than a conventional wastewater system and resistant to the climatic disturbances of tropical regions (notably cyclones).
OiEau's missions
- Project management in coordination with the Water Office Martinique
- Training on constructed wetlands for sanitation professionals in the Caribbean
- Coordination of preliminary studies for the implementation of constructed wetlands
- Communication, awareness-raising and dissemination of the results
- Administrative and financial management