Institutional support for Integrated Water Resources Management in Ecuador - Phase 3

Ecuador - Portoviejo pilot basin, Manabí Hydrographic Demarcation (DH), Chone and Jipijapa Hidrographic Planning Units
June 2019 - Novembre 2020
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Ministry of Environment and Water (MAAE)
The project in brief
Les composantes principales du projet sont les suivantes :
- la participation pour la conformation et l’activation des Conseils de bassin ;
- la planification par l’élaboration d’un plan de protection et de conservation de l’environnement,
- et l’accompagnement du développement des systèmes d’information.
OiEau's missions
- Support for the drafting of the first basin management plan
- Support for the development of a proposal for a National Water Fund (NWF), to ensure synergy with regional water funds and the activities of basin councils.
- Development of a Public Water Register (PWR) module designed to facilitate access to, and the sharing and enhancement of, the data and information needed for IWRM, in order to facilitate decision-making by basin councillors.