Eau dans la Ville - Water in the City

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EUROPE - France
January 2003 - December 2023
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Elected representatives, local authorities and water and sewage departments

The project in brief

"Eaudanslaville" (Water in the City) is a website for public bodies for cooperation between towns and cities (EPCI), mayors, local elected officials and water authorities or companies. It proposes practical, technical, legal and financial answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) linked to managing the water cycle biodiversity. Subscribers have the benefit of access to the Guide to Services, with theme-based data sheets and best practices collected from the field.

OiEau's missions

  • Managing the website including putting technical,legal and financial content on-line for free access.
  • Aguide to services with theme-based data sheets.
  • FAQ