AWARD - Alternative Water Resources and Deliberation process to renew water supply strategic planning

Europe -
France, Spain, Romania, Italy, Greece, Germany, Cyprus
January 2024 - December 2026
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Commission européenne - Programme Horizon Europe
The project in brief
The main objective is to support the integration of solutions relating to the use of non-conventional water resources (rainwater, reuse of treated wastewater) into strategic supply planning.
To achieve this, 4 demonstration cases will be the testing grounds from which feedback will enable recommendations to be formulated for taking non-conventional water into account at local level.This project brings together the unique expertise of 14 partners and 2 affiliated entities in 7 European countries.OiEau's missions
- Coordinating the project ,
- Leading the workpackage named impact maximisation, encompassing activitites from communication to exploitation.