Assistance and training in MesureStep

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EUROPE - France
Since january 2007
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Ministry of Ecological Transition

The project in brief

The MesureSTEP software is dedicated to the exchange of self-monitoring data and is intended for data producers (sanitation system operators) and data collectors (administrative services and public establishments) respectively.

This software allows the self-monitoring data of the sanitation systems (collection network and wastewater treatment plant) to be entered, managed and analysed by the STEU operators who do not have their own software and the transfer of this data to the Water Police Services (SPE) and the Water Agencies (AE), according to a common formalism (current version of the SANDRE format).

This software is freely available at no charge at this address (only in french).

OiEau's missions

  • Assistance with the installation and configuration of MesureSTEP* in your environment.
  • Assistance in using MesureSTEP * in accordance with national regulations in connection with SANDRE.
  • Training in the use of MesureStep *:
  1. (SF057) Use of the MesureStep software - Level 1
  2. (SF058) Use of the MesureStep software - Level 2

(*) Since the beginning of 2025, these services are subject to a fee; you can send an email directly to OiEau here.