- Water cycle in industry
- Circular economy & Waste
- Reducing use and abstraction: cutting water consumption and loss
Zeus: ZERO liquid waste in food industry

France - Centre Val de Loire
January 2022
Partner(s) or Client(s) : Monin, Union Européenne, Agence de l’eau Loire-Bretagne; Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne; Agence de l’eau Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse
The project in brief
The European Life project "Zero liquid discharge - Water rEUSe" (ZEUS) aims to be an essential lever for action in the circular economy and the preservation of water resources in the food industry.
It aims to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a solution for the total recycling of water and dissolved compounds at the MONIN syrup manufacturing plant in Bourges.
How is this to be achieved? By achieving the absence of liquid discharge, by separating 3 recoverable flows:
- High quality water, which is suitable for food contact.
- Mineral salts, for the regeneration of softener resins.
- Concentrated organic compounds, for the production of renewable energy.
The missions of OiEau
- Development of the project website
- Helping to set up an on-site analysis and control lab
- Training of teams in the knowledge required for the project
- Production of an enriched book to promote, free of charge, to any actor (public, private, research department, etc.) innovation and the best techniques available to reduce water consumption in a context of increasing scarcity of the resource.