Support project for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Côte d'Ivoire, Bandama pilot watershed (upstream of Lake Kossou) - Phase 2
The project in brief
The second phase of this institutional support project for the implementation of IWRM is based on the following main components
- Official installation of the Local Water Committee (LWC) and appropriation of its functioning by its members so that this body is dynamic and perennial, with in particular the establishment of an operating budget and a programme of activities,
- Training of the members of the technical group "Information systems for IWRM" in the management and use of water data, and drawing up an inventory of existing data and data producers in the pilot basin,
- Ongoing training of stakeholders through conferences and experience sharing workshops: organisation of the institutional framework of the water agencies, strategy for the articulation of consultation bodies according to the hydrographical scales, sustainable financing mechanisms, etc.
- Identification of possible synergies with other projects in Ivory Coast.
The missions of OiEau
1. Water knowledge management :
- Inventory and collection of water data;
- Development of an IWRM information system, geo-referenced and accessible online;
2. Analysis of governance and proposal of recommendations at the scale of the upstream Bandama basin:
- Analysis of the legal and institutional framework, mapping of the basin stakeholders - Constitution of a Local Water Commission to accompany the planning process;
- Preparation for the creation of a Basin Committee at the upstream Bandama scale, as a prelude to the setting up of a Bandama Water Agency.
3. Support to the planning process, for the elaboration of a "Water Development and Management Scheme" type document:
- Precise identification of the perimeter for a "SAGE";
- Support for the participatory diagnosis process for the elaboration of an inventory of the basin;
- Support for the production of the SAGE (work programme, schedule, budget, identification of donors, etc.).
4. Sustainable financing mechanisms for IWRM:
- Analysis of potential funding mechanisms to finance a future action plan;
- Critical analysis of the texts governing the implementation of the user-pays and polluter-pays principles;
- Synergy with decentralised cooperation projects to promote the development of solidarity projects on the upstream Bandama.