REUSE in Industry: an atypical bridge between Wastewater and Process Water

In a context of climate change, many industrialists are turning to this solution and are changing their practices.
Réduction de la consommation de l'eau : une tendance significative
Industry's footprint on the precious resource is currently declining. Over the last two decades, water consumption has been reduced by a third. While the transformation of the industrial sector in metropolitan France undeniably contributes to this trend, it should not obscure the progress made in process efficiency. Since 2011, these have been driven by the European Directive on industrial emissions (IED) and its section on Best Available Techniques (BAT).
With global warming, the pressure on the industry with regard to water resources is nevertheless maintained. The increase in episodes of water stress has led to a de facto increase in the number of drought decrees throughout France. The scenarios envisaged by the prefectures now range from 25%, 50%, and even 100% water withdrawal restrictions!
There is therefore an urgent need to adapt the very varied uses in the various industrial sectors. In a simplified way, they can be divided into three categories:
- incorporation into the manufactured product (e.g. food products)
- use for washing (e.g. cleaning in place),
- integration into industrial processes via utilities (e.g. cooling circuit, steam production, etc.).

Optimisation of water uses
OiEau training
To reach their water consumption reduction objectives, OiEau offers industrialists a training course on the optimisation of water uses. Carried out remotely, its aim is to enable the acquisition of a global methodology by working at the source on the mapping of uses, the improvement of equipment and behaviours, or the rationalisation of processes.
REUSE - A variety of training courses at OiEau
Aware of the major challenge that WASTE represents in the industrial sector, OiEau supports project leaders with a complete training on the subject. In addition to the methodology required to understand the issues and problems inherent in WASTE, the treatment techniques are covered.
As the bridge built between Sanitation and Process Water is set to be strengthened through REUSE, a number of training courses are designed to meet growing needs.
On the sanitation side, treatment plant design/rehabilitation projects are often an essential prerequisite. The proposed training provides concrete tools to guide the technological choice among the range of treatment techniques.
The optimal operation of treatment units is a prerequisite to be integrated in the WASP projects designed downstream of the plants. Whether it is for traditional activated sludge processes or membrane processes of the Membrane Biological Reactor type, OiEau proposes adapted training courses, rich in experience feedback and focused on the professional gestures.
As regards Process Water, OiEau assists the industrialists who wish to improve their skills in equipment such as ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, among others. The objective of these training courses is to achieve higher added value collaboration with external service providers, who are often in charge of installing and maintaining the equipment.

Innovation : ZEUS project
Zero Liquid Discharge
Supported by MONIN, CHEMDOC Water Technologies, INSA Toulouse and the International Office for Water, the objective of this project is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a water recycling solution leading to zero liquid discharge at the MONIN syrup manufacturing plant in Bourges.
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International Office for Water